It’s 2022 and the great resignation is still here. In fact, it might be here to stay. The great reshuffle or big quit as some call it might’ve been chiefly caused by employees’ demand for flexibility following the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects on the workplace. Many researchers including Joblist, Microsoft and Pew Research Center fetched different results that we can bank on as we attempt to illuminate the darkroom of the great resignation

The great resignation is accompanied by a shift in power—the shift of workers being in a position to decide what companies should and shouldn’t do which ultimately pushes companies to a cliff impetrating employees to accede. 

Many pieces of research including that of Pew Research Center show that employees value flexibility. Flexibility, however, might sound simple and easy to achieve in theory but it really isn’t because so many components are attached to it. 

So, is the great resignation over? According to Microsoft research, 43% of employees are extremely likely to consider changing jobs in the coming year. The figure is also subject to change based on generations. Gen Z and Millenials combined, for instance, account for 52% compared to Gen X and Boomers who account for 35%. 

In another finding, a survey done by Joblist involving over 2,000 employed workers shows that 74% of full-time employees and 51% of part-time employees are considering quitting their jobs in 2022. At the same time, 29% of those considering quitting their jobs said they’re willing to do that even without a new job lined up. This could also be attributed to the fact that the number of open jobs is constantly rising which makes it easier for workers to find new jobs—of their choice.  

As the job market has faced tectonic shifts with most of the changes favoring workers, it’s easy to see why they’re shunning jobs. The gig economy, for instance, has grown significantly in recent years and workers prefer it since it gives them flexibility and the ability to rein in a wide range of components. Succinctly, the great resignation is not ending any time soon.